view 2023/ @ 59:dbabaef9b4ad

Day 10: minor clean-up
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:03:28 +0100
parents 070e01565b16
line wrap: on
line source

open Angstrom
open Base
open Core

type race = { time : int; distance : int } [@@deriving sexp]

module Parse = struct
  let maybe p = option () (p >>= fun _ -> return ())

  let intP =
    take_while1 (function '0' .. '9' -> true | _ -> false) >>| Int.of_string

  let int_listP =
    skip_many (char ' ') *> sep_by1 (skip_while Char.is_whitespace) intP

  let timesP =
    string "Time:" *> skip_while Char.is_whitespace *> int_listP <* char '\n'

  let distancesP =
    string "Distance:" *> skip_while Char.is_whitespace *> int_listP
    <* maybe (char '\n')

  exception Parse_exn of string

  let parse_input ch =
    let input = In_channel.input_all ch in
    match parse_string ~consume:All (list [ timesP; distancesP ]) input with
    | Ok (a :: b :: _) ->
        let zipped = List.zip_exn a b in ~f:(fun (time, distance) -> { time; distance }) zipped
    | Ok _ -> raise (Parse_exn "not enough parts")
    | Error e -> raise (Parse_exn e)

module Part1 = struct
  (* we only need to calculate the two roots of the quadratic equation

     0 = t_hold ** 2 - t_race * t_hold + distance / acceleration

     where acceleration is 1 mm/ms**2.

     The number of integers between roots is the solution.
  let hold_times t0 x0 =
    let open Float in
    let p_half = -.t0 /. 2. in
    let q = x0 in
    let min = -.p_half -. sqrt ((p_half ** 2.) -. q) in
    let max = -.p_half +. sqrt ((p_half ** 2.) -. q) in
    (min, max -. 1e-6)

  let possibilities t0 x0 =
    let min, max = hold_times (Float.of_int t0) (Float.of_int x0) in
    Out_channel.printf "%f %f\n" min max;
    let diff =
      Int.of_float (Float.round_down min) - Int.of_float (Float.round_down max)
    Int.abs diff

  let process races =
    let f { time; distance } = possibilities time distance in
    let all_possibs = ~f races in
      (Sexp.to_string_hum (List.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t all_possibs));
    List.fold ~init:1 ~f:( * ) all_possibs

let () =
  let parsed = Parse.parse_input In_channel.stdin in
  Out_channel.printf "%d\n" (Part1.process parsed)