view generate/ @ 2:c7e2e5de7401

Make struct generation work
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Sat, 17 Oct 2020 10:36:44 +0200
parents d967aac4e997
children 09ee80214be1
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import chevron
import json
import requests

from os import path

ResourceStructTmpl = '''
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct {{name}} {
    // {{comment}}
    {{name}}: {{{typ}}},

def capitalize_first(name):
    return name[0].upper() + name[1:]

def snake_case(name):
    def r(c):
        if c.islower():
            return c
        return '_'+c.lower()
    return ''.join([r(c) for c in name])

def type_of_property(name, prop):
    typ = ''
    comment = ''
    structs = []
        if '$ref' in prop:
            return prop['$ref'], structs
        if 'type' in prop and prop['type'] == 'object':
            if 'properties' in prop:
                typ = name
                struct = {'name': name, 'fields': []}
                for pn, pp in prop['properties'].items():
                    subtyp, substructs = type_of_property(name+capitalize_first(pn), pp)
                    if type(subtyp) is tuple:
                        subtyp, comment = subtyp
                        comment = None
                    struct['fields'].append({'name': snake_case(pn), 'attr': '#[serde(rename = "{}")]'.format(pn),
                        'typ': subtyp, 'comment': comment})
                return typ, structs
            if 'additionalProperties' in prop:
                field, substructs = type_of_property(name, prop['additionalProperties'])
                if type(field) is tuple:
                    typ = field[0]
                    typ = field
                return 'HashMap<String,' + typ + '>', structs
        if prop['type'] == 'array':
            typ, substructs = type_of_property(name, prop['items'])
            if type(typ) is tuple:
                typ = typ[0]
            return 'Vec<' + typ + '>', structs+substructs
        if prop['type'] == 'string':
            if 'format' in prop:
                if prop['format'] == 'int64':
                    return ('String', 'i64'), structs
                if prop['format'] == 'int32':
                    return ('String', 'i32'), structs
                if prop['format'] == 'double':
                    return ('String', 'f64'), structs
                if prop['format'] == 'float':
                    return ('String', 'f32'), structs
                if prop['format'] == 'date-time':
                    return 'Time', structs
            return 'String', structs
        if prop['type'] == 'boolean':
            return 'bool', structs
        if prop['type'] in ('number', 'integer'):
            if prop['format'] == 'float':
                return 'f32', structs
            if prop['format'] == 'double':
                return 'f64', structs
            if prop['format'] == 'int32':
                return 'i32', structs
            if prop['format'] == 'int64':
                return 'i64', structs
        raise Exception('unimplemented!', name, prop)
    except KeyError as e:
        print(name, prop)
        raise e

def generate_structs(discdoc):
    schemas = discdoc['schemas']
    structs = []
    for name, desc in schemas.items():
        typ, substructs = type_of_property(name, desc)

    modname = (discdoc['id']+'_types').replace(':', '_')
    with open(path.join('gen', modname+'.rs'), 'w') as f:
        f.write('use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};')
        for s in structs:
            f.write(chevron.render(ResourceStructTmpl, s))

def fetch_discovery_base(url, apis):
    '''Fetch the discovery base document from `url`. Return api documents for APIs with IDs in `apis`.

        List of API JSON documents.
    doc = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
    return [it for it in doc['items'] if it['id'] in apis]

def fetch_discovery_doc(api_doc):
    url = api_doc['discoveryRestUrl']
    return json.loads(requests.get(url).text)

def main():
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate Rust code for asynchronous REST Google APIs.')
    p.add_argument('--discovery_base', default='', help='Base Discovery document.')
    p.add_argument('--only_apis', default='drive:v3', help='Only process APIs with these IDs (comma-separated)')
    args = p.parse_args()
    docs = fetch_discovery_base(args.discovery_base, args.only_apis)
    for doc in docs:
        discdoc = fetch_discovery_doc(doc)
        #print(json.dumps(discdoc, sort_keys=True, indent=2))

if __name__ == '__main__':