view @ 56:e47f25aef153

track_ICE: better collect logging
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Thu, 03 Dec 2020 22:38:54 +0100
parents a75d164f028a
children c4b26469b4e7
line wrap: on
line source

# `geohub`

## What is GeoHub?

GeoHub is -- in fancy terms -- a framework for real time geographic
applications. It currently allows for

* Ingesting geographic points, for example GPS positions, via HTTP API.
* Exporting geographic points as GeoJSON (GPX soon to come).
* Efficiently listening to position updates (new points) in real time via HTTP
* Privacy first by protecting every point with a password (session token).

## API description

Important concepts are:

* A **Client** is for example someone walking around with their phone, or a
moving car. A client sends geographic updates to the server. The `client`
appears as URL component after `/geo/`.
* A **Secret** is an alphanumeric string (a-zA-Z0-9 only) attached to every
point. Anyone wanting to retrieve a given point needs to know its secret. You
can also log points without secret. In that case, everyone can see them
(including clients asking for points with a secret). The `secret` is supplied as
URL parameter `&secret=`.
* Every point has a unique integer **ID**. It can be used to limit which points
to fetch, for example when refreshing or waiting on updates. Think of it as a
very fine-grained page token.

*Scenario*: You go for a walk, configuring your phone to send live updates to a
GeoHub instance. You want to share it with a friend who is not supposed to know
about where you were yesterday. You can leave your `client` string the same and
use a new `secret` that you give to your friend; they can now only see points
logged with this secret.

* `POST` `/geo/<client>/log?lat=<latitude>&longitude=<longitude>&time=<time>&s=<speed>&ele=<elevation>&secret=<secret>`
  * Log a new point.
  * `latitude`, `longitude`: Geographical position, in decimal degrees (note:
      may be extended later). **Required**.
  * `time`: ISO 8601 time. If left out, current server time is used. Example:
  `2020-12-03T15:42:40.010325Z`. **Optional**.
  * `speed`: Speed in km/h (usually). If you decide to always use m/s, you are
  free to do so. **Optional**.
  * `elevation`: Elevation in meters. **Optional**.
  * A body -- if present and encoded in whatever content-type -- is attached as `note` to the
  point and returned as property `note` of GeoJSON points later.
  * Usually returns code **200** except for server errors (500) or malformed inputs (400).
* `GET` `/geo/assets/...`
  * Static file serving. The `assets` directory should be deployed in the
  current working directory from which the server is run.
* `GET` `/geo/<client>/retrieve/json?secret=<secret>&from=<from_timestamp>&to=<to_timestamp>&limit=<maximum
number of entries returned>&last=<id of last known entry>`
  * Fetch geo data as GeoJSON object.
  * `from`, `to`: Timestamp range. For best results, supply ISO 8601 timestamps,
  but `YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss` is also accepted. (GeoHub tries to be flexible
  about this, and may become better over time).
  * `limit`: Return at most this number of entries, starting with the oldest
  * `last`: This is a sort of page token, identifying the most recent entry you
  know. GeoHub will only return events newer than this. The IDs used here are
  returned as property `id` in the GeoJSON `Feature`s.
  * Returns a GeoJSON object.
* `GET` `/geo/<client>/retrieve/last?secret=<secret>&last=<last ID>&limit=<max
  * Fetch most recent points for the `client`. See `/geo/<client>/retrieve/json`
  above for descriptions of the other parameters.
  * Returns a `LiveUpdate` object. `last` is the most-recent ID of all points:

  "type": "GeoHubUpdate",
  "last": 1205,
  "error": "error string if applicable",
  "geo": {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {
          "time": "2020-12-03T15:42:40.010325Z",
          "altitude": 40,
          "speed": 22,
          "id": 1205,
          "note": "A happy little note",
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [

* `GET` `/geo/<client>/retrieve/live?secret=<secret>&timeout=<timeout in sec>`
  * Wait at most `timeout` seconds for events from `client` with the given
  `secret`. This is a "hanging" request endpoint, returning after `timeout`
  seconds or any time that a new point has been logged. This is useful for
  real-time applications, such as the live map (in `assets/`).
  * This API returns data compatible with `/geo/<client>/retrieve/last`. Think
  of the two endpoints as complementary, one retrieving recent and this one
  returning current events.
  * Note: As opposed to other endpoints, this endpoint doesn't return points
  with lacking secret ("public" points).
  * This endpoint returns at most one point at a time.
  * If no new point has arrived in time, a `LiveUpdate` with `null` entries for
  `geo` and `last` is returned.

## Installation

Installing GeoHub is quite easy. You need

* a PostgreSQL server
* (optional) a reverse proxy in front

1. Set up a database with the supplied `pgsql_schema.sql`. It will install the
   elements into the `geohub` schema. Currently, this is a very small schema.
   Make sure that the `pgcrypto` extension is enabled in your database.
   `PostGIS` is not required.
1. Configure the database connection in `Rocket.toml`. usually
   connects to PostgreSQL via localhost/::1, so make sure that this is allowed
   by modifying `pg_hba.conf` if needed.
1. If you want TLS or already have a server on port 80/443, configure your main
   webserver to proxy to GeoHub. For example, in nginx you can achieve this very

# Put this in an existing server { } block.

    # Geohub
    # This will strip the /geo/ prefix, so add it back below. Adapt to your
    # preferred URL scheme.
    location /geo/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/geo/;

This also allows you to immediately use the `livemap` app at
which consists of a single HTML page, a CSS file, and the leaflet.js library
(which is included). - latter is (c) 2010-2019 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011

## Usage

![Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © MapBox](screenshot1.png)
*Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © MapBox*

If you want to go on a difficult hike (though one with nice mobile data
coverage) and keep your worried parents up to date, do this:

1. Install the [`GPSLogger` app]( It is
   the only one I know of that has the kind of feature required for GeoHub.
1. Configure the *Custom URL* feature to your URL. By default, you only
   (optionally) need to add a secret and of course your host and URL part.
1. Start logging, and pass the appropriate link to the livemap
   to any concerned relatives. If you configure GPSLogger to log every few
   seconds, it will work best. Latency between a point reaching your server and
   the live map being updated will generally be way less than half a second.