view src/ @ 157:de83256f4423

Refactor Env and PosixDiskEnv to be more dynamic. This comes closer to the original LevelDB implementation, is more flexible, and most importantly enables inclusion as member of Options.
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Sun, 09 Jul 2017 20:33:20 +0200
parents e025f865ea6f
children 2da18faf438b
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use options::{CompressionType, int_to_compressiontype};
use types::{ValueType, SequenceNumber};

use integer_encoding::{FixedInt, VarInt};

// The following typedefs are used to distinguish between the different key formats used internally
// by different modules.

// TODO: At some point, convert those into actual types with conversions between them. That's a lot
// of boilerplate, but increases type safety.

/// A MemtableKey consists of the following elements: [keylen, key, tag, (vallen, value)] where
/// keylen is a varint32 encoding the length of key+tag. tag is a fixed 8 bytes segment encoding
/// the entry type and the sequence number. vallen and value are optional components at the end.
pub type MemtableKey<'a> = &'a [u8];

/// A UserKey is the actual key supplied by the calling application, without any internal
/// decorations.
pub type UserKey<'a> = &'a [u8];

/// An InternalKey consists of [key, tag], so it's basically a MemtableKey without the initial
/// length specification. This type is used as item type of MemtableIterator, and as the key
/// type of tables.
pub type InternalKey<'a> = &'a [u8];

/// A LookupKey is the first part of a memtable key, consisting of [keylen: varint32, key: *u8,
/// tag: u64]
/// keylen is the length of key plus 8 (for the tag; this for LevelDB compatibility)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LookupKey {
    key: Vec<u8>,
    key_offset: usize,

impl LookupKey {
    pub fn new(k: &[u8], s: SequenceNumber) -> LookupKey {
        let mut key = Vec::with_capacity(k.len() + k.len().required_space() +
                                         <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space());
        let internal_keylen = k.len() + 8;
        let mut i = 0;

        key.reserve(internal_keylen.required_space() + internal_keylen);

        key.resize(internal_keylen.required_space(), 0);
        i += internal_keylen.encode_var(&mut key[i..]);

        i += k.len();

        key.resize(i + <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space(), 0);
        (s << 8 | ValueType::TypeValue as u64).encode_fixed(&mut key[i..]);
        i += <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space();

        LookupKey {
            key: key,
            key_offset: k.len().required_space(),

    // Returns full key
    pub fn memtable_key<'a>(&'a self) -> MemtableKey<'a> {

    // Returns only key
    pub fn user_key<'a>(&'a self) -> UserKey<'a> {
        &self.key[self.key_offset..self.key.len() - 8]

    // Returns key+tag
    pub fn internal_key<'a>(&'a self) -> InternalKey<'a> {

/// Parses a tag into (type, sequence number)
pub fn parse_tag(tag: u64) -> (ValueType, u64) {
    let seq = tag >> 8;
    let typ = tag & 0xff;

    match typ {
        0 => (ValueType::TypeDeletion, seq),
        1 => (ValueType::TypeValue, seq),
        _ => (ValueType::TypeValue, seq),

/// A memtable key is a bytestring containing (keylen, key, tag, vallen, val). This function
/// builds such a key. It's called key because the underlying Map implementation will only be
/// concerned with keys; the value field is not used (instead, the value is encoded in the key,
/// and for lookups we just search for the next bigger entry).
/// keylen is the length of key + 8 (to account for the tag)
pub fn build_memtable_key(key: &[u8], value: &[u8], t: ValueType, seq: SequenceNumber) -> Vec<u8> {
    // We are using the original LevelDB approach here -- encoding key and value into the
    // key that is used for insertion into the SkipMap.
    // The format is: [key_size: varint32, key_data: [u8], flags: u64, value_size: varint32,
    // value_data: [u8]]

    let mut i = 0;
    let keysize = key.len() + 8;
    let valsize = value.len();

    let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(keysize + valsize + keysize.required_space() +
                                     valsize.required_space() +
                                     <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space());
    buf.resize(keysize.required_space(), 0);
    i += keysize.encode_var(&mut buf[i..]);

    i += key.len();

    let flag = (t as u64) | (seq << 8);
    buf.resize(i + <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space(), 0);
    flag.encode_fixed(&mut buf[i..]);
    i += <u64 as FixedInt>::required_space();

    buf.resize(i + valsize.required_space(), 0);
    i += valsize.encode_var(&mut buf[i..]);

    i += value.len();

    assert_eq!(i, buf.len());

/// Parses a memtable key and returns  (keylen, key offset, tag, vallen, val offset).
/// If the key only contains (keylen, key, tag), the vallen and val offset return values will be
/// meaningless.
pub fn parse_memtable_key<'a>(mkey: MemtableKey<'a>) -> (usize, usize, u64, usize, usize) {
    let (keylen, mut i): (usize, usize) = VarInt::decode_var(&mkey);

    let keyoff = i;
    i += keylen - 8;

    if mkey.len() > i {
        let tag = FixedInt::decode_fixed(&mkey[i..i + 8]);
        i += 8;

        let (vallen, j): (usize, usize) = VarInt::decode_var(&mkey[i..]);

        i += j;

        let valoff = i;

        return (keylen - 8, keyoff, tag, vallen, valoff);
    } else {
        return (keylen - 8, keyoff, 0, 0, 0);

/// Parse a key in InternalKey format.
pub fn parse_internal_key<'a>(ikey: InternalKey<'a>) -> (CompressionType, u64, UserKey<'a>) {
    assert!(ikey.len() >= 8);

    let (ctype, seq) = parse_tag(FixedInt::decode_fixed(&ikey[ikey.len() - 8..]));
    let ctype = int_to_compressiontype(ctype as u32).unwrap_or(CompressionType::CompressionNone);

    return (ctype, seq, &ikey[0..ikey.len() - 8]);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_memtable_lookupkey() {
        use integer_encoding::VarInt;

        let lk1 = LookupKey::new("abcde".as_bytes(), 123);
        let lk2 = LookupKey::new("xyabxy".as_bytes(), 97);

        // Assert correct allocation strategy
        assert_eq!(lk1.key.len(), 14);
        assert_eq!(lk1.key.capacity(), 14);

        assert_eq!(lk1.user_key(), "abcde".as_bytes());
        assert_eq!(u32::decode_var(lk1.memtable_key()), (13, 1));
                   vec![120, 121, 97, 98, 120, 121, 1, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].as_slice());