view src/ @ 157:de83256f4423

Refactor Env and PosixDiskEnv to be more dynamic. This comes closer to the original LevelDB implementation, is more flexible, and most importantly enables inclusion as member of Options.
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Sun, 09 Jul 2017 20:33:20 +0200
parents 6e14c9e7e53d
children 18e0fb2d6a4e
line wrap: on
line source

use block::{BlockBuilder, BlockContents};
use blockhandle::BlockHandle;
use cmp::InternalKeyCmp;
use filter::{BoxedFilterPolicy, NoFilterPolicy};
use filter_block::FilterBlockBuilder;
use key_types::InternalKey;
use options::{CompressionType, Options};

use std::io::Write;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;

use crc::crc32;
use crc::Hasher32;
use integer_encoding::FixedInt;

pub const FOOTER_LENGTH: usize = 40;
pub const FULL_FOOTER_LENGTH: usize = FOOTER_LENGTH + 8;
pub const MAGIC_FOOTER_NUMBER: u64 = 0xdb4775248b80fb57;
pub const MAGIC_FOOTER_ENCODED: [u8; 8] = [0x57, 0xfb, 0x80, 0x8b, 0x24, 0x75, 0x47, 0xdb];

pub const TABLE_BLOCK_COMPRESS_LEN: usize = 1;
pub const TABLE_BLOCK_CKSUM_LEN: usize = 4;

/// Footer is a helper for encoding/decoding a table footer.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Footer {
    pub meta_index: BlockHandle,
    pub index: BlockHandle,

/// A Table footer contains a pointer to the metaindex block, another pointer to the index block,
/// and a magic number:
/// [ { table data ... , METAINDEX blockhandle, INDEX blockhandle, PADDING bytes } = 40 bytes,
impl Footer {
    pub fn new(metaix: BlockHandle, index: BlockHandle) -> Footer {
        Footer {
            meta_index: metaix,
            index: index,

    pub fn decode(from: &[u8]) -> Footer {
        assert!(from.len() >= FULL_FOOTER_LENGTH);
        assert_eq!(&from[FOOTER_LENGTH..], &MAGIC_FOOTER_ENCODED);
        let (meta, metalen) = BlockHandle::decode(&from[0..]);
        let (ix, _) = BlockHandle::decode(&from[metalen..]);

        Footer {
            meta_index: meta,
            index: ix,

    pub fn encode(&self, to: &mut [u8]) {
        assert!(to.len() >= FOOTER_LENGTH + 8);

        let s1 = self.meta_index.encode_to(to);
        let s2 = self.index.encode_to(&mut to[s1..]);

        for i in s1 + s2..FOOTER_LENGTH {
            to[i] = 0;
            to[i] = MAGIC_FOOTER_ENCODED[i - FOOTER_LENGTH];

/// DATA BLOCKs, META BLOCKs, INDEX BLOCK and METAINDEX BLOCK are built using the code in
/// the `block` module.
/// The FOOTER consists of a BlockHandle wthat points to the metaindex block, another pointing to
/// the index block, padding to fill up to 40 B and at the end the 8B magic number
/// 0xdb4775248b80fb57.

pub struct TableBuilder<'a, Dst: Write> {
    opt: Options,
    dst: Dst,

    offset: usize,
    num_entries: usize,
    prev_block_last_key: Vec<u8>,

    data_block: Option<BlockBuilder>,
    index_block: Option<BlockBuilder>,
    filter_block: Option<FilterBlockBuilder<'a>>,

impl<'a, Dst: Write> TableBuilder<'a, Dst> {
    pub fn new_no_filter(opt: Options, dst: Dst) -> TableBuilder<'a, Dst> {
        TableBuilder::new(opt, dst, NoFilterPolicy::new())

/// TableBuilder is used for building a new SSTable. It groups entries into blocks,
/// calculating checksums and bloom filters.
/// It's recommended that you use InternalFilterPolicy as FilterPol, as that policy extracts the
/// underlying user keys from the InternalKeys used as keys in the table.
impl<'a, Dst: Write> TableBuilder<'a, Dst> {
    /// Create a new table builder.
    /// The comparator in opt will be wrapped in a InternalKeyCmp.
    pub fn new(mut opt: Options, dst: Dst, fpol: BoxedFilterPolicy) -> TableBuilder<'a, Dst> {
        opt.cmp = Arc::new(Box::new(InternalKeyCmp(opt.cmp.clone())));
        TableBuilder::new_raw(opt, dst, fpol)

    /// Like new(), but doesn't wrap the comparator in an InternalKeyCmp (for testing)
    pub fn new_raw(opt: Options, dst: Dst, fpol: BoxedFilterPolicy) -> TableBuilder<'a, Dst> {
        TableBuilder {
            opt: opt.clone(),
            dst: dst,
            offset: 0,
            prev_block_last_key: vec![],
            num_entries: 0,
            data_block: Some(BlockBuilder::new(opt.clone())),
            index_block: Some(BlockBuilder::new(opt)),
            filter_block: Some(FilterBlockBuilder::new(fpol)),

    pub fn entries(&self) -> usize {

    /// Add a key to the table. The key as to be lexically greater or equal to the last one added.
    pub fn add(&mut self, key: InternalKey<'a>, val: &[u8]) {

        if !self.prev_block_last_key.is_empty() {
            assert!(self.opt.cmp.cmp(&self.prev_block_last_key, key) == Ordering::Less);

        if self.data_block.as_ref().unwrap().size_estimate() > self.opt.block_size {

        let dblock = &mut self.data_block.as_mut().unwrap();

        if let Some(ref mut fblock) = self.filter_block {

        self.num_entries += 1;
        dblock.add(key, val);

    /// Writes an index entry for the current data_block where `next_key` is the first key of the
    /// next block.
    /// Calls write_block() for writing the block to disk.
    fn write_data_block<'b>(&mut self, next_key: InternalKey<'b>) {

        let block = self.data_block.take().unwrap();
        let sep = self.opt.cmp.find_shortest_sep(&block.last_key(), next_key);
        self.prev_block_last_key = Vec::from(block.last_key());
        let contents = block.finish();

        let handle = BlockHandle::new(self.offset, contents.len());
        let mut handle_enc = [0 as u8; 16];
        let enc_len = handle.encode_to(&mut handle_enc);

        self.index_block.as_mut().unwrap().add(&sep, &handle_enc[0..enc_len]);
        self.data_block = Some(BlockBuilder::new(self.opt.clone()));

        let ctype = self.opt.compression_type;

        self.write_block(contents, ctype);

        if let Some(ref mut fblock) = self.filter_block {

    /// Calculates the checksum, writes the block to disk and updates the offset.
    fn write_block(&mut self, block: BlockContents, t: CompressionType) -> BlockHandle {
        // compression is still unimplemented
        assert_eq!(t, CompressionType::CompressionNone);

        let mut buf = [0 as u8; TABLE_BLOCK_CKSUM_LEN];
        let mut digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::CASTAGNOLI);

        digest.write(&[self.opt.compression_type as u8; TABLE_BLOCK_COMPRESS_LEN]);
        digest.sum32().encode_fixed(&mut buf);

        // TODO: Handle errors here.
        let _ = self.dst.write(&block);
        let _ = self.dst.write(&[t as u8; TABLE_BLOCK_COMPRESS_LEN]);
        let _ = self.dst.write(&buf);

        let handle = BlockHandle::new(self.offset, block.len());

        self.offset += block.len() + TABLE_BLOCK_COMPRESS_LEN + TABLE_BLOCK_CKSUM_LEN;


    pub fn finish(mut self) {
        let ctype = self.opt.compression_type;

        // If there's a pending data block, write it
        if self.data_block.as_ref().unwrap().entries() > 0 {
            // Find a key reliably past the last key
            let key_past_last =

        // Create metaindex block
        let mut meta_ix_block = BlockBuilder::new(self.opt.clone());

        if self.filter_block.is_some() {
            // if there's a filter block, write the filter block and add it to the metaindex block.
            let fblock = self.filter_block.take().unwrap();
            let filter_key = format!("filter.{}", fblock.filter_name());
            let fblock_data = fblock.finish();
            let fblock_handle = self.write_block(fblock_data, CompressionType::CompressionNone);

            let mut handle_enc = [0 as u8; 16];
            let enc_len = fblock_handle.encode_to(&mut handle_enc);

            meta_ix_block.add(filter_key.as_bytes(), &handle_enc[0..enc_len]);

        // write metaindex block
        let meta_ix = meta_ix_block.finish();
        let meta_ix_handle = self.write_block(meta_ix, ctype);

        // write index block
        let index_cont = self.index_block.take().unwrap().finish();
        let ix_handle = self.write_block(index_cont, ctype);

        // write footer.
        let footer = Footer::new(meta_ix_handle, ix_handle);
        let mut buf = [0; FULL_FOOTER_LENGTH];
        footer.encode(&mut buf);

        self.offset += self.dst.write(&buf[..]).unwrap();

mod tests {
    use super::{Footer, TableBuilder};
    use blockhandle::BlockHandle;
    use filter::BloomPolicy;
    use options::Options;

    fn test_footer() {
        let f = Footer::new(BlockHandle::new(44, 4), BlockHandle::new(55, 5));
        let mut buf = [0; 48];
        f.encode(&mut buf[..]);

        let f2 = Footer::decode(&buf);
        assert_eq!(f2.meta_index.offset(), 44);
        assert_eq!(f2.meta_index.size(), 4);
        assert_eq!(f2.index.offset(), 55);
        assert_eq!(f2.index.size(), 5);


    fn test_table_builder() {
        let mut d = Vec::with_capacity(512);
        let mut opt = Options::default();
        opt.block_restart_interval = 3;
        let mut b = TableBuilder::new_raw(opt, &mut d, BloomPolicy::new(4));

        let data = vec![("abc", "def"), ("abd", "dee"), ("bcd", "asa"), ("bsr", "a00")];

        for &(k, v) in data.iter() {
            b.add(k.as_bytes(), v.as_bytes());


    fn test_bad_input() {
        let mut d = Vec::with_capacity(512);
        let mut opt = Options::default();
        opt.block_restart_interval = 3;
        let mut b = TableBuilder::new_raw(opt, &mut d, BloomPolicy::new(4));

        // Test two equal consecutive keys
        let data = vec![("abc", "def"), ("abc", "dee"), ("bcd", "asa"), ("bsr", "a00")];

        for &(k, v) in data.iter() {
            b.add(k.as_bytes(), v.as_bytes());