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Implement caching for functions with multiple arguments.
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Thu, 15 Oct 2020 14:16:02 +0200
parents 8d44466dbb15
children dd0035137133
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# memoize

A `#[memoize]` attribute for somewhat simple Rust functions: That is, functions
with one or more `Clone`-able arguments, and a `Clone`-able return type. That's it.

Read the documentation (`cargo doc --open`) for the sparse details, or take a
look at the `examples/`, if you want to know more:

use memoize::memoize;
fn hello(arg: String) -> bool {
     arg.len()%2 == 0

// `hello` is only called once here.
assert!(! hello("World".to_string()));
assert!(! hello("World".to_string()));
// Sometimes one might need the original function.
assert!(! memoized_original_hello("World".to_string()));

This is, aside from the `assert`s, expanded into:

// This is obviously further expanded before compiling.
lazy_static! {
  static ref MEMOIZED_MAPPING_HELLO : Mutex<HashMap<String, bool>>;

fn memoized_original_hello(arg: String, arg2: usize) -> bool {
    arg.len() % 2 == arg2

fn hello(arg: String, arg2: usize) -> bool {
    let mut hm = &mut MEMOIZED_MAPPING_HELLO.lock().unwrap();
    if let Some(r) = hm.get(&(arg.clone(), arg2.clone())) {
        return r.clone();
    let r = memoized_original_hello(arg.clone(), arg2.clone());
    hm.insert((arg, arg2), r.clone());


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