view src/ @ 36:d65f832b5e2e

Implement buffer garbage collection. This makes it more memory efficient to parse streams when the parser regularly advances and drops references to earlier parts of the input (e.g., in CSV files). This currently has a small performance penalty for inputs where garbage is collected.
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Fri, 07 Jun 2019 18:15:13 +0200
parents ecfdbe1d1acb
line wrap: on
line source

use crate::parser::{ParseError, ParseResult, Parser};
use crate::state::ParseState;

/// Transform applies a function (which may fail) to the result of a parser. Transform only
/// succeeds if the applied function succeeds, too.
pub struct Transform<R, R2, P: Parser<Result = R>, F: Fn(R) -> ParseResult<R2>> {
    f: F,
    p: P,

impl<R, R2, P: Parser<Result = R>, F: Fn(R) -> ParseResult<R2>> Transform<R, R2, P, F> {
    /// Create a new Transform parser using f.
    pub fn new(p: P, f: F) -> Transform<R, R2, P, F> {
        Transform { f: f, p: p }

impl<R, R2, P: Parser<Result = R>, F: Fn(R) -> ParseResult<R2>> Parser for Transform<R, R2, P, F> {
    type Result = R2;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        match self.p.parse(st) {
            Ok(o) => (self.f)(o),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

pub struct Alternative<T>(T);

impl<T> Alternative<T> {
    pub fn new(tuple: T) -> Alternative<T> {

macro_rules! alt_impl {
    ( ( $($ptype:ident/$ix:tt),* ) ) => {
        impl<R, $($ptype : Parser<Result=R>, )*> Parser for Alternative<($($ptype,)*)> {
            type Result = R;
            fn parse(&mut self, st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
                    let hold = st.hold();
                    match (self.0).$ix.parse(st) {
                        Err(_) => (),
                        Ok(o) => { st.release(hold); return Ok(o) }
                return Err(ParseError::Fail("no alternative matched", st.index()))

alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1));
alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2));
alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3));
alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4));
alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5));
alt_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5, P6 / 6));
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8,
    P9 / 9

/// Sequence concatenates parsers and only succeeds if all of them do. T is always a tuple in order
/// for Sequence to implement the Parser trait. The result is a tuple of all the parser results.
/// Individual parsers need to have result types implementing Default.
pub struct Sequence<T>(T);

impl<T> Sequence<T> {
    pub fn new(tuple: T) -> Sequence<T> {

/// Macro for implementing sequence parsers for arbitrary tuples. Not for public use.
macro_rules! seq_impl {
    ( ( $($ptype:ident/$ix:tt),+ ) ) => {
        impl<$($ptype : Parser<Result=impl Default>, )*> Parser for Sequence<($($ptype,)*)> {
            type Result = ($($ptype::Result,)*);
            fn parse(&mut self, st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
                let hold = st.hold();
                let mut result = Self::Result::default();
                    let r = (self.0).$ix.parse(st);
                    if r.is_err() {
                        return Err(r.err().unwrap());
                    result.$ix = r.unwrap();
                return Ok(result);

seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1));
seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2));
seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3));
seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4));
seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5));
seq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5, P6 / 6));
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8,
    P9 / 9

/// PartialSequence concatenates parsers and tries to parse as far as possible.
/// Individual parsers need to have result types implementing Default.
pub struct PartialSequence<T>(T);

impl<T> PartialSequence<T> {
    pub fn new(tuple: T) -> PartialSequence<T> {

/// Macro for implementing sequence parsers for arbitrary tuples. Not for public use.
macro_rules! pseq_impl {
    ( ( $($ptype:ident/$ix:tt),+ ) ) => {
        impl<$($ptype : Parser<Result=impl Default>, )*> Parser for PartialSequence<($($ptype,)*)> {
            type Result = ($(Option<$ptype::Result>,)*);
            fn parse(&mut self, st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
                let hold = st.hold();
                let mut result = Self::Result::default();
                    let r = (self.0).$ix.parse(st);
                    if r.is_err() {
                        return Ok(result);
                    result.$ix = Some(r.unwrap());
                return Ok(result);

pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1));
pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2));
pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3));
pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4));
pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5));
pseq_impl!((P0 / 0, P1 / 1, P2 / 2, P3 / 3, P4 / 4, P5 / 5, P6 / 6));
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8
    P0 / 0,
    P1 / 1,
    P2 / 2,
    P3 / 3,
    P4 / 4,
    P5 / 5,
    P6 / 6,
    P7 / 7,
    P8 / 8,
    P9 / 9

pub enum RepeatSpec {
    /// Any is equivalent to Min(0).
    Between(usize, usize),

pub struct Repeat<P: Parser> {
    inner: P,
    repeat: RepeatSpec,

impl<P: Parser> Repeat<P> {
    pub fn new(p: P, r: RepeatSpec) -> Repeat<P> {
        Repeat {
            inner: p,
            repeat: r,

impl<R, P: Parser<Result = R>> Parser for Repeat<P> {
    type Result = Vec<R>;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        let (min, max) = match self.repeat {
            RepeatSpec::Any => (0, std::usize::MAX),
            RepeatSpec::Min(min) => (min as usize, std::usize::MAX),
            RepeatSpec::Max(max) => (0, max as usize),
            RepeatSpec::Between(min, max) => (min as usize, max as usize),
        let mut v: Self::Result = Vec::new();
        let hold = st.hold();
        for i in 0.. {
            match self.inner.parse(st) {
                Ok(r) => v.push(r),
                Err(e) => {
                    if i >= min {
                        return Ok(v);
                    } else {
                        return Err(e);
            if i >= max - 1 {
                return Ok(v);

/// Maybe is a combinator returning Option<T> for a parser returning T, meaning it does not stop
/// parsing if an optional input was not encountered. It is very similar to a `Repeat` parser with
/// `RepeatSpec::Max(1)`.
pub struct Maybe<Inner: Parser> {
    inner: Inner,

impl<Inner: Parser> Maybe<Inner> {
    pub fn new(p: Inner) -> Maybe<Inner> {
        Maybe { inner: p }

impl<R, P: Parser<Result = R>> Parser for Maybe<P> {
    type Result = Option<R>;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        match self.inner.parse(st) {
            Ok(r) => Ok(Some(r)),
            Err(_) => Ok(None),

/// Ignore ignores the result of an inner parser, effectively hiding the result. Useful if consumed
/// input should not be processed further, and simplifies types in combined parsers.
pub struct Ignore<Inner: Parser> {
    inner: Inner,

impl<Inner: Parser> Ignore<Inner> {
    pub fn new(p: Inner) -> Ignore<Inner> {
        Ignore { inner: p }

impl<R, P: Parser<Result = R>> Parser for Ignore<P> {
    type Result = ();
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        match self.inner.parse(st) {
            Ok(_) => Ok(()),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

/// Applies one parser, discards the result, and returns the second parser's results if the first
/// one succeeded. To skip the input consumed by several parsers, use a `Sequence` combinators as
/// `A`.
pub struct Then<A: Parser, B: Parser> {
    a: A,
    b: B,

impl<A: Parser, B: Parser> Then<A, B> {
    pub fn new(first: A, second: B) -> Then<A, B> {
        Then {
            a: first,
            b: second,

impl<A: Parser, B: Parser> Parser for Then<A, B> {
    type Result = B::Result;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        match self.a.parse(st) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            Err(e) => return Err(e),

/// Lazy is a helper for a typical situation where you have an `Alternative` or a `Sequence` and
/// don't want to construct an expensive parser every time just in order for it to be dropped
/// without having parsed anything. For example:
/// ```ignore
/// // Let's say dict is really expensive! the first ones not as much
/// let mut p = Alternative::new((number(), string(), atom(), dict()));
/// ```
/// Then you can wrap the `dict` parser constructor in a `Lazy` parser. Then it will only be
/// constructed if the `Alternative` actually needs a `dict` parser:
/// ```ignore
/// let mut p = Alternative::new((number(), string(), atom(), Lazy::new(dict)));
/// ```
/// Constructing a `Lazy` combinator is in comparison quite cheap, as it only involves copying a
/// function pointer. `Lazy` also caches the result of the function, meaning it will be called at
/// most once.
pub struct Lazy<P, F: FnMut() -> P>(F, Option<P>);

impl<R, P: Parser<Result = R>, F: FnMut() -> P> Lazy<P, F> {
    /// Create a new instance of `Lazy`:
    /// ```ignore
    /// let l = Lazy::new(|| some_expensive_function());
    /// ```
    pub fn new(f: F) -> Lazy<P, F> {
        Lazy(f, None)

impl<R, P: Parser<Result = R>, F: FnMut() -> P> Parser for Lazy<P, F> {
    type Result = R;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        if self.1.is_none() {
            self.1 = Some((self.0)());

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::parser::Parser;
    use crate::primitives::*;

    fn test_pair() {
        let mut p = Sequence::new((Int64::new(), StringParser::new(" aba".to_string())));
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("123 aba");
        assert_eq!(Ok((123, " aba".to_string())), p.parse(&mut ps));

    fn test_long_seq() {
        let s = || StringParser::new("a");
        let mut p = Sequence::new((s(), s(), s(), s(), s(), s(), s(), s(), s(), s()));
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("aaaaaaaaaa");
            p.parse(&mut ps)

    fn test_then() {
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("abcdef 123");
        let mut p = StringParser::new("abc")
        assert_eq!(Ok(123), p.parse(&mut ps));

    fn test_alternative() {
        let mut p = Alternative::new((
            StringParser::new(" "),
            Transform::new(Int64::new(), |i| Ok(i.to_string())),
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("de 34");
        assert_eq!(Ok("de".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));
        assert_eq!(Ok(" ".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));
        assert_eq!(Ok("34".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));

    fn test_repeat() {
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("aaa aaa aaaa aaaa");
            Repeat::new(StringParser::new("a"), RepeatSpec::Any)
                .parse(&mut ps)
        assert!(StringParser::new(" ").parse(&mut ps).is_ok());
            Repeat::new(StringParser::new("a"), RepeatSpec::Min(2))
                .parse(&mut ps)
        assert!(StringParser::new(" ").parse(&mut ps).is_ok());
            Repeat::new(StringParser::new("a"), RepeatSpec::Max(3))
                .parse(&mut ps)
        assert!(StringParser::new("a ").parse(&mut ps).is_ok());
            Repeat::new(StringParser::new("a"), RepeatSpec::Between(1, 3))
                .parse(&mut ps)
        assert!(StringParser::new("a").parse(&mut ps).is_ok());

    fn test_partial_sequence() {
        let mut p =
            PartialSequence::new((StringParser::new("a"), StringParser::new("c"), Int64::new()));
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("acde");
            Ok((Some("a".to_string()), Some("c".to_string()), None)),
            p.parse(&mut ps)

        let mut p = PartialSequence::new((
            Sequence::new((Int64::new(), StringParser::new(" "), Int64::new())),
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("12 -12 nothing else");
            Ok((Some((12, " ".to_string(), -12)), None)),
            p.parse(&mut ps)

    fn test_lazy() {
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("123");
        let mut p = Alternative::new((
            Lazy::new(|| {
                panic!("lazy should not run this function!");
        assert_eq!(Ok(123), p.parse(&mut ps));

    fn test_lazy2() {
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("123");
        let mut p = Alternative::new((
            string_none_of("01234", RepeatSpec::Min(1)),
            Lazy::new(|| Uint8::new().apply(|i| Ok(i.to_string()))),
        assert_eq!(Ok("123".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));

    fn test_lazy3() {
        let mut i = 0;
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("123 124");
        let lzy = || {
            assert_eq!(0, i);
            i += 1;
            string_of("0123456789", RepeatSpec::Min(1))
        let mut p = Alternative::new((string_of("a", RepeatSpec::Min(1)), Lazy::new(lzy)));
        assert_eq!(Ok("123".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));
        assert!(whitespace().parse(&mut ps).is_ok());
        assert_eq!(Ok("124".to_string()), p.parse(&mut ps));