view src/ @ 18:d9f4c7963c9f

author Lewin Bormann <>
date Mon, 03 Jun 2019 23:51:52 +0200
parents 0427da45a728
children 728109a7df09
line wrap: on
line source

use crate::combinators::{Maybe, Repeat, RepeatSpec, Sequence};
use crate::parser::{execerr, ParseError, ParseResult, Parser};
use crate::state::ParseState;

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::str::{self, FromStr};

pub struct StringParser(String);

impl StringParser {
    pub fn new<S: AsRef<str>>(s: S) -> StringParser {

impl Parser for StringParser {
    type Result = String;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        let mut cs = self.0.chars();
        let expect = self.0.len();
        let mut have = 0;
        let hold = st.hold();
        loop {
            let (next, pk) = (, st.peek());
            if next.is_none() || pk.is_none() {
            if next != pk {
            let c =;
            have += c.len_utf8();
        if expect == have {
            return Ok(self.0.clone());
        let ix = st.index();
        return Err(ParseError::Fail("string not matched", ix));

pub struct Int<IType: Default + str::FromStr>(IType);

pub type Int128 = Int<i128>;
pub type Int64 = Int<i64>;
pub type Int32 = Int<i32>;
pub type Int16 = Int<i16>;
pub type Int8 = Int<i8>;
pub type Uint128 = Int<u128>;
pub type Uint64 = Int<u64>;
pub type Uint32 = Int<u32>;
pub type Uint16 = Int<u16>;
pub type Uint8 = Int<u8>;

impl<IType: Default + str::FromStr> Int<IType> {
    pub fn new() -> Int<IType> {

impl<IType: Default + str::FromStr<Err = std::num::ParseIntError> + std::convert::TryFrom<i8>>
    Parser for Int<IType>
    type Result = IType;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        // Optimization for most ints.
        const BUFSIZE: usize = 16;
        let mut buf: [char; BUFSIZE] = [' '; BUFSIZE];
        let mut widebuf: Option<Vec<char>> = None;
        let mut i = 0;

        if IType::try_from(-1 as i8).is_ok() {
            // Check for negative sign, only if integer can be signed.
            match st.peek() {
                None => return Err(ParseError::EOF),
                Some('-') => {
                    buf[i] = '-';
                    i += 1;
                Some(c) if c.is_digit(10) => {
                    buf[i] = c;
                    i += 1;
                Some(_) => return Err(ParseError::Fail("not start of integer", st.index())),

        let hold = st.hold();
        if i > 0 {

        // Consume digits
        loop {
            match {
                Some(c) if c.is_digit(10) => {
                    if widebuf.is_none() {
                        buf[i] = c;
                        i += 1;
                        if i >= BUFSIZE {
                            widebuf = Some(buf.to_vec());
                    } else {
                        i += 1;
                Some(_) => {
                None => break,
        if i == 0 {
            return Err(ParseError::Fail("no appropriate integer found", st.index()));
        let intstr: String;
        if widebuf.is_none() {
            intstr = buf[..i].iter().collect();
        } else {
            intstr = widebuf.unwrap().iter().collect();
        match IType::from_str(&intstr) {
            Ok(i) => {
            Err(e) => {

fn assemble_float(
    s: Option<String>,
    big: String,
    dot: Option<String>,
    mut little: Option<String>,
) -> ParseResult<f64> {
    if dot.is_some() && little.is_none() {
        little = Some("0".to_string());
    assert!((dot.is_some() && little.is_some()) || (dot.is_none() && little.is_none()));
    let bigf = match f64::from_str(&big) {
        Ok(f) => f,
        Err(e) => return Err(execerr(e.description())),
    let mut littlef = 0.;
    if let Some(mut d) = dot {
        littlef = match f64::from_str(&d) {
            Ok(f) => f,
            Err(e) => return Err(execerr(e.description())),
    let minus = if s.is_some() { -1. } else { 1. };
    return Ok(minus * (bigf + littlef));

/// float parses floats in the format of `[-]dd[.[dd]]`. Currently, `e` notation is not supported.
/// TODO: Compare with "native" parser, i.e. without combinators, and keep this as example.
pub fn float() -> impl Parser<Result = f64> {
    let minus = Maybe::new(StringParser::new("-"));
    let digits = string_of("0123456789", RepeatSpec::Min(1));
    let point = Maybe::new(StringParser::new("."));
    let smalldigits = Maybe::new(string_of("0123456789", RepeatSpec::Min(1)));
    let parser = Sequence::new((minus, digits, point, smalldigits))
        .apply(|(m, d, p, sd)| assemble_float(m, d, p, sd));

/// Nothing is a parser that always succeeds.
pub struct Nothing;

impl Parser for Nothing {
    type Result = ();
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        _: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {

/// OneOf matches any character that is in its specification.
pub struct OneOf(HashSet<char>, bool);

impl OneOf {
    pub fn new<S: AsRef<str>>(chars: S) -> OneOf {
        OneOf(chars.as_ref().chars().collect(), false)
    /// Create a OneOf parser that parses all characters *not* in the given set.
    pub fn new_inverse<S: AsRef<str>>(chars: S) -> OneOf {
        OneOf(chars.as_ref().chars().collect(), true)

impl Parser for OneOf {
    type Result = char;
    fn parse(
        &mut self,
        st: &mut ParseState<impl Iterator<Item = char>>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Self::Result> {
        match st.peek() {
            Some(c) => {
                let present = self.0.contains(&c);
                if self.1 {
                    // Inverse mode
                    if present {
                        return Err(ParseError::Fail("char (inverse) not matched", st.index()));
                    return Ok(c);
                } else {
                    if present {
                        return Ok(c);
                    return Err(ParseError::Fail("char not matched", st.index()));
            _ => Err(ParseError::EOF),

/// A parser that parses a string consisting of characters `chars`.
fn string_of<S: AsRef<str>>(chars: S, rp: RepeatSpec) -> impl Parser<Result = String> {
    let oo = OneOf::new(chars);
    let rp = Repeat::new(oo, rp);
    let make_string = |charvec: Vec<char>| Ok(String::from_iter(charvec.into_iter()));

/// A parser that parses a string consisting of any characters not in the set.
fn string_none_of<S: AsRef<str>>(chars: S, rp: RepeatSpec) -> impl Parser<Result = String> {
    let oo = OneOf::new_inverse(chars);
    let rp = Repeat::new(oo, rp);
    let make_string = |charvec: Vec<char>| Ok(String::from_iter(charvec.into_iter()));

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::combinators::Sequence;

    fn test_parse_string() {
        let mut s = ParseState::new("abc def");
        let mut p = StringParser::new("abc ".to_owned());
        assert_eq!(Ok("abc ".to_owned()), p.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(4, s.index());

    fn test_parse_int() {
        let mut s = ParseState::new("-1252 353 354 -1253 422345");
        let mut ip = Int64::new();
        let mut up = Uint64::new();
        let mut sp = StringParser::new(" ".to_string());
        assert_eq!(Ok(-1252), ip.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(" ".to_string()), sp.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(353), ip.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(" ".to_string()), sp.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(354), up.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(" ".to_string()), sp.parse(&mut s));
        assert!(up.parse(&mut s).is_err());
        assert_eq!(Ok(-1253), ip.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(" ".to_string()), sp.parse(&mut s));
        assert_eq!(Ok(422345), up.parse(&mut s));

    fn test_parse_long_int() {
        let mut s = ParseState::new("123456789");
        let mut up = Uint128::new();
        assert_eq!(Ok(123456789 as u128), up.parse(&mut s));

    fn test_parse_floats() {
        let mut ps = ParseState::new("1 1. 1.5 -1.5 -1.75");
        let mut p = float();
        let want = vec![1., 1., 1.5, -1.5, -1.75];
        for &f in want.iter() {
            assert_eq!(Ok(f), p.parse(&mut ps));
            let _ = StringParser::new(" ").parse(&mut ps);

    fn test_string_of() {
        let mut st = ParseState::new("aaabcxxzy");
        let mut p = string_of("abcd", RepeatSpec::Min(1));
        assert_eq!(Ok("aaabc".to_string()), p.parse(&mut st));

    fn test_string_none_of() {
        let mut st = ParseState::new("aaabcxxzy");
        let mut p = string_none_of("xyz", RepeatSpec::Min(1));
        assert_eq!(Ok("aaabc".to_string()), p.parse(&mut st));

    use std::iter;

    fn bench_integer_medium() {
        let piece = "-422345812310928 ";
        let repeats = 1000;
        let mut input = String::with_capacity(piece.len() * repeats);
        let mut ps = ParseState::new(&input);
        let mut p = Sequence::new((Int64::new(), StringParser::new(" ")));
            time_test!("parse-int with static buffer");
            for _ in 0..1000 {
                let h = ps.hold();
                let _ = p.parse(&mut ps);

        let piece = "-4223458123109289 ";
        let mut input = String::with_capacity(piece.len() * repeats);
        let mut ps = ParseState::new(&input);
            time_test!("parse-int with dynamic buffer");
            for _ in 0..1000 {
                let h = ps.hold();
                let _ = p.parse(&mut ps);

    fn bench_float() {
        let piece = "-32.334 ";
        let repeats = 1000;
        let mut input = String::with_capacity(piece.len() * repeats);
        let mut ps = ParseState::new(&input);
        let mut p = Sequence::new((float(), StringParser::new(" ")));
            time_test!("parse-float with combinators");
            for _ in 0..1000 {
                let h = ps.hold();
                let _ = p.parse(&mut ps);