changeset 70:0fc36f81531e

Day 14 Part 2
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Thu, 28 Dec 2023 14:07:43 +0100
parents 64fc8f99bddd
children 936b17a8e4ff
files 2023/
diffstat 1 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/2023/	Thu Dec 28 12:08:35 2023 +0100
+++ b/2023/	Thu Dec 28 14:07:43 2023 +0100
@@ -2,20 +2,39 @@
 open Base
 open Core
-type tile = Round | Cube | Empty [@@deriving show, eq]
-type field = { rows : int; cols : int; fields : tile array } [@@deriving show]
+type tile = Round | Cube | Empty [@@deriving eq, sexp]
+let string_of_tile = function Round -> "O" | Cube -> "#" | Empty -> "."
+type field = { rows : int; cols : int; fields : tile array }
+[@@deriving sexp, eq]
 let rc_to_ix field r c = (r * field.cols) + c
 let field_get field r c = field.fields.(rc_to_ix field r c)
+let field_set field r c v = field.fields.(rc_to_ix field r c) <- v
 let field_column field c =
   Array.init field.rows ~f:(fun r -> field_get field r c)
+let field_row field r =
+  Array.sub field.fields ~pos:(r * field.cols) ~len:field.cols
 let field_of_tiles r c tiles =
   { rows = r; cols = c; fields = Array.of_list tiles }
+let string_of_field field =
+  let rows = Sequence.range 0 field.rows in
+  let row_strings =
+ rows ~f:(fun r ->
+        let row = field_row field r in
+ row ~f:string_of_tile |> Array.to_list |> String.concat)
+  in
+  Sequence.to_list row_strings |> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
 let print_field ?(ch = Out_channel.stdout) field =
-  Out_channel.(output_string ch (show_field field))
+  Out_channel.(
+    output_string ch (string_of_field field);
+    output_string ch "\n\n")
 module Parse = struct
   let parse_tile = function
@@ -48,20 +67,131 @@
             since = since + 1;
-    let result = Array.foldi col ~init:{ sum = 0; last_stop = -1; since = 0 } ~f in
+    let result =
+      Array.foldi col ~init:{ sum = 0; last_stop = -1; since = 0 } ~f
+    in
   let calculate_column_loads field =
-    Array.init field.cols ~f:(fun c -> calculate_column_load field.rows (field_column field c))
+    Array.init field.cols ~f:(fun c ->
+        calculate_column_load field.rows (field_column field c))
   let calculate_load field =
     let column_loads = calculate_column_loads field in
-    Array.fold column_loads ~init:0 ~f:Int.(+)
+    Array.fold column_loads ~init:0 ~f:Int.( + )
+module Part2 = struct
+  (* with round boulders already aligned, we can use a simplified algorithm. *)
+  let simplified_column_load field col =
+    let f ix sum item =
+      match item with Round -> sum + (field.rows - ix) | _ -> sum
+    in
+    Array.foldi (field_column field col) ~init:0 ~f
+  let calculate_column_loads field =
+    let cols = Sequence.range 0 field.cols in
+ cols ~f:(simplified_column_load field) |> Sequence.to_array
+  (* Calculate load on northern pole *)
+  let simplified_load field =
+    let column_loads = calculate_column_loads field in
+    Array.fold column_loads ~init:0 ~f:Int.( + )
+  type state = { last_stop : int }
+  (* shift a row or column rightwards, in-place. The getter/setter functions
+     determine whether a row or column is shifted, and in which direction *)
+  let shifter (getter : int -> tile) (setter : int -> tile -> unit) (max : int)
+      =
+    let f st ix =
+      match getter ix with
+      | Empty -> st
+      | Cube -> { last_stop = ix }
+      | Round ->
+          setter ix Empty;
+          setter (st.last_stop + 1) Round;
+          { last_stop = st.last_stop + 1 }
+    in
+    let ixs = Sequence.range 0 max in
+    let _ = Sequence.fold ixs ~init:{ last_stop = -1 } ~f in
+    ()
+  let shift_row_left field r =
+    let getter ix = field_get field r ix and setter ix = field_set field r ix in
+    shifter getter setter field.cols
+  let shift_left field =
+    let rows = Sequence.range 0 field.rows in
+    Sequence.iter rows ~f:(shift_row_left field)
+  let shift_row_right field r =
+    let getter ix = field_get field r (field.cols - 1 - ix)
+    and setter ix = field_set field r (field.cols - 1 - ix) in
+    shifter getter setter field.cols
+  let shift_right field =
+    let rows = Sequence.range 0 field.rows in
+    Sequence.iter rows ~f:(shift_row_right field)
+  let shift_column_up field c =
+    let getter ix = field_get field ix c and setter ix = field_set field ix c in
+    shifter getter setter field.rows
+  let shift_up field =
+    let cols = Sequence.range 0 field.cols in
+    Sequence.iter cols ~f:(shift_column_up field)
+  let shift_column_down field c =
+    let getter ix = field_get field (field.rows - 1 - ix) c
+    and setter ix = field_set field (field.rows - 1 - ix) c in
+    shifter getter setter field.rows
+  let shift_down field =
+    let cols = Sequence.range 0 field.cols in
+    Sequence.iter cols ~f:(shift_column_down field)
+  (* Run one cycle of the field. *)
+  let cycle field =
+    shift_up field;
+    shift_left field;
+    shift_down field;
+    shift_right field
+  (* Run the cycle function n times, printing the field after each 1000 completed cycles. *)
+  let cycle_n field n =
+    let rng = Sequence.range 0 n in
+    Sequence.iter rng ~f:(fun i ->
+        cycle field;
+        if Int.(i < 10) then print_field field;
+        (* opportunity for stupid off-by-one error: if i = 9, then 10 cycles are completed. *)
+        if Int.((i + 1) % 1000 = 0) then
+          Out_channel.printf "load? %d -> %d\n" i (simplified_load field);
+        Out_channel.flush stdout)
+  (* idea: the load numbers repeat cyclically. For the test input, with a period of 7.
+     for my puzzle input, with a period of 9, when checked after every 1000 completed cycles.
+     So we only need to observe the load number cycle, and then calculate back from
+     the desired cycle number 1e9 back to the load number expected there:
+        load_number = load_sequence[ (1e9 / 1000) * period ]
+      For 1e9, the index is = 1, thus the solution is 84238. For the test input, similarly, the index is 1
+      and the solution is 64.
+  *)
+  let test_load_sequence = [ 65; 64; 65; 69; 69; 68; 63 ]
+  let load_sequence =
+    [ 84239; 84328; 84202; 84342; 84210; 84332; 84237; 84299; 84276 ]
 let () =
   let inp = In_channel.(input_all stdin) in
   let field = Parse.parse_field inp in
   let load = Part1.calculate_load field in
-  Out_channel.printf "load: %d\n" load
+  Out_channel.printf "load: %d\n" load;
+  print_field field;
+  Part2.cycle_n field 1000000;
+  let load2 = Part2.simplified_load field in
+  print_field field;
+  Out_channel.printf "load after: %d\n" load2