changeset 75:6e7829d7eee6

Day 17 Part1 WIP (test example works)
author Lewin Bormann <>
date Sat, 30 Dec 2023 17:49:10 +0100
parents b007d28fb585
children 2d05d3e059ce
files 2023/ 2023/dune 2023/input/17.txt 2023/input/17_test.txt
diffstat 4 files changed, 352 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2023/	Sat Dec 30 17:49:10 2023 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+open Angstrom
+open Base
+open Core
+module PrioQueue (Inner : Comparator.S) = struct
+  (* Element added to set *)
+  module Elt = struct
+    type t = int * Inner.t
+    let compare (a, x) (b, y) =
+      match a b with 0 -> x y | x -> x
+    let sexp_of_t (a, x) =
+      Sexp.List [ Int.sexp_of_t a; Inner.comparator.sexp_of_t x ]
+  end
+  (* Comparator for Set *)
+  module EltComp = struct
+    include Comparator.Make (Elt)
+    type t = Elt.t
+  end
+  type t = (Elt.t, EltComp.comparator_witness) Set.t
+  let empty : t = Set.empty (module EltComp)
+  let is_empty = Set.is_empty
+  let add q ~prio elt = Set.add q (prio, elt)
+  let min_elt_exn q = snd (Set.min_elt_exn q)
+  let remove_min_elt_exn q =
+    let ((_, elt) as min) = Set.min_elt_exn q in
+    (Set.remove q min, elt)
+  let sexp_of_t q =
+    let elts = Set.to_list q in
+    Sexp.List ( elts ~f:Elt.sexp_of_t)
+module type Comparable = sig
+  type t [@@deriving sexp, compare]
+type direction = North | East | South | West [@@deriving sexp, compare, eq]
+type heatloss = { value : int; min_so_far : int } [@@deriving sexp, compare]
+type field = { r : int; c : int; field : heatloss array }
+[@@deriving sexp, compare]
+let rc_to_ix field r c = (r * field.c) + c
+let ix_to_rc field ix = Int.(ix / field.c, ix % field.c)
+let field_at field r c = field.field.(rc_to_ix field r c)
+let field_update field r c f =
+  let v = field_at field r c in
+  field.field.(rc_to_ix field r c) <- f v
+module Parse = struct
+  let parse_tile c =
+    String.of_char c |> Int.of_string |> fun value ->
+    { value; min_so_far = Int.max_value }
+  let parse_line s = String.to_list s |> ~f:parse_tile
+  let parse_field inp =
+    let lines = String.split inp ~on:'\n' in
+    let r = List.length lines in
+    let c = String.length (List.hd_exn lines) in
+    let last = List.last_exn lines in
+    let r = if String.is_empty last then r - 1 else r in
+    let parsed_lines = lines ~f:parse_line in
+    let field = Array.of_list (List.concat parsed_lines) in
+    { r; c; field }
+module Position = struct
+  type t = {
+    r : int;
+    c : int;
+    prev : int * int;
+    dir : direction;
+    straight : int;
+    heatloss : int;
+  }
+  [@@deriving sexp]
+  let compare { heatloss = hl1; r = r1; c = c1; _ }
+      { heatloss = hl2; r = r2; c = c2; _ } =
+    match hl1 hl2 with
+    | 0 -> ( match r1 r2 with 0 -> c1 c2 | c -> c)
+    | c -> c
+  let initial =
+    { r = 0; c = 0; dir = East; prev = (0, 0); straight = 0; heatloss = 0 }
+(* Directly create a priority queue from a module containing compare/sexp_of_t *)
+module PrimPrioQueue (Inner : Comparable) = struct
+  module CompPos = struct
+    include Inner
+    include Comparable.Make (Inner)
+  end
+  include PrioQueue (CompPos)
+module Pospq = PrimPrioQueue (Position)
+module Part1 = struct
+  type neighbor = int * int * direction
+  let dst field = (field.r - 1, field.c - 1)
+  let initial = [ Position.initial ]
+  let max_straight = 3
+  let neighbors r c : direction -> neighbor list = function
+    | North -> [ (r - 1, c, North); (r, c - 1, West); (r, c + 1, East) ]
+    | East -> [ (r - 1, c, North); (r + 1, c, South); (r, c + 1, East) ]
+    | South -> [ (r + 1, c, South); (r, c - 1, West); (r, c + 1, East) ]
+    | West -> [ (r - 1, c, North); (r + 1, c, South); (r, c - 1, West) ]
+  let valid_neighbors field Position.{ dir; straight; heatloss; _ } neighbors :
+      neighbor list =
+    let straight_ok = function
+      | _, _, dir' when equal_direction dir dir' -> straight <= max_straight
+      | _ -> true
+    and within_field (r, c, _) = r >= 0 && r < field.r && c >= 0 && c < field.c
+    and better_path (r, c, _) =
+      let best_heatloss = (field_at field r c).min_so_far in
+      let this_heatloss = heatloss + (field_at field r c).value in
+      this_heatloss <= best_heatloss
+    in
+    let valid n =
+      match straight_ok n && within_field n with
+      | true -> better_path n
+      | false -> false
+    in
+    List.filter neighbors ~f:valid
+  let next_options field (Position.{ r; c; dir; straight; _ } as pos) =
+    let neighbors = neighbors r c dir in
+    let neighbors' = valid_neighbors field pos neighbors in
+    let pos_of_neighbor (r', c', dir') =
+      Position.
+        {
+          r = r';
+          c = c';
+          dir = dir';
+          prev = (r, c);
+          straight = (if Int.(straight = 1) || equal_direction dir dir' then straight + 1 else 1);
+          heatloss = pos.heatloss + (field_at field r' c').value;
+        }
+    in
+ neighbors' ~f:pos_of_neighbor
+  let solve field =
+    let dstr, dstc = dst field in
+    let rec loop (q : Pospq.t) =
+      if Pospq.is_empty q then None
+      else
+        let q, pos = Pospq.remove_min_elt_exn q in
+        if Int.equal pos.r dstr && Int.equal pos.c dstc then (
+          Out_channel.printf "Visiting %s\n"
+            (Position.sexp_of_t pos |> Sexp.to_string_hum);
+          Some pos.heatloss)
+        else
+          let min_so_far = (field_at field pos.r pos.c).min_so_far in
+          if min_so_far = Int.max_value then (
+            Out_channel.printf "Visiting %s (%d vs. %d)\n"
+              (Position.sexp_of_t pos |> Sexp.to_string_hum)
+              pos.heatloss min_so_far;
+            field_update field pos.r pos.c (fun v ->
+                { v with min_so_far = pos.heatloss });
+            let next = next_options field pos in
+            let q =
+              List.fold_left next ~init:q ~f:(fun q' opt ->
+                  Pospq.add q' ~prio:opt.heatloss opt)
+            in
+            loop q)
+          else loop q
+    in
+    loop (List.fold_left initial ~init:Pospq.empty ~f:(Pospq.add ~prio:0))
+let () =
+  let inp = In_channel.(input_all stdin) in
+  let field = Parse.parse_field inp in
+  let part1 = Option.value_exn (Part1.solve field) in
+  Out_channel.printf "Part1: %d\n" part1
--- a/2023/dune	Fri Dec 29 10:06:45 2023 +0100
+++ b/2023/dune	Sat Dec 30 17:49:10 2023 +0100
@@ -121,3 +121,11 @@
  (libraries base core angstrom)
   (pps ppx_let ppx_sexp_conv ppx_compare ppx_deriving.eq)))
+ (name day17)
+ (modules day17)
+ (libraries base core angstrom)
+ (preprocess
+  (pps ppx_let ppx_sexp_value ppx_sexp_conv ppx_compare ppx_deriving.eq)))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2023/input/17.txt	Sat Dec 30 17:49:10 2023 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/2023/input/17_test.txt	Sat Dec 30 17:49:10 2023 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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